[ TEFAF @ Maastricht ]
11 march 2020
tripping on art in Maastricht ~ TEFAF 2020
TEFAF Maastricht is widely regarded as the world’s premier fair for fine art, antiques and design. Featuring over 275 prestigious dealers from 20 countries, TEFAF Maastricht is a showcase for the finest art works currently on the market.
Alongside the traditional areas of Old Master paintings, antiques and classical antiquities that cover approximately half of the fair, you can also find modern and contemporary art, photography, jewelry, 20th century design and works on paper.
arty-farty.fun's opinion: *****
TEFAF Maastricht always keeps his promise as premier fair for fine art, antiques and design,a showcase for the finest art works currently on the market.
The entrance
arty-farty.fun's opinion: *****
The entrance to the 2020 edition of TEFAF in Maastricht, decorated, as always, with the most beautiful flower bouquets.
Robert Bowman from Bowman Sculpture
arty-farty.fun's opinion: *****
great to discuss with passionate dealers with a story.
showing August Rodin, who pushed at the boundaries of sculpture in new and radical ways.
entre-acte ~ flabergasting meet & greet with Martijn Wijn, CEO of www.oestercompagnie.com
meet 'n greet between Martijn Wijn , CEO of www.oestercompagnie.com, & Etienne Verbist of www.arty-farty.com, followed by a overwhelming oyster tasting feast.
Thanks for your hospitality, Martijn!
info on the oestercompagnie (copied from their website):
Experience Oysters during your party or event. Oestertainment® symbolizes exactly what opening and sharing oysters means: an unforgettable experience. We have been sharing our passion for oysters with others for 19 years. We crack fresh oysters on location. Whether it is a party at home, a beach party, wedding, communion or a company drink. By hiring our oyster girls and oyster boys you can experience their infectious enthusiasm. It is of course paramount that they have delicious oysters with them!arty-farty.fun's opinion: *****
If I was a condemned man, a dozen of oysters and a bottle of Chablis would be my last supper, a feast a bacchanal. Discovery: Selection Dór van Ostra Regal the Golden Oyster
Jacob Twyford, from Waddington-Custot
arty-farty.fun's opinion: ****
Barry Flanagan, his relatively traditional bronzes of exuberant, loose-limbed hares are very funny. Even more when you realize that the penis of the hares needed to be reduced in size (half) to make them acceptable for the art market:)
Felix Labisse
arty-farty.fun's opinion: ****
Félix Labisse a Belgian /French Surrealist painter, illustrator, and designer rediscoverd, on his way back to the art market.
Jean-Michel Renard
arty-farty.fun's opinion: ****
historical, rare and unusual musical instruments showing contemporary work by the group "ICONA" (International Corporation Of Nameless Artists made up of visual artists from multiple horizons and multiple origins, who collaborate by internet for the conception of works).
abrubt end of the fair, 4 last days cancelled
this was litteraly our last travelogue for the time to come. The president of TEFAF told us (seconds before our photoshoot) that he decided to end the fair. His fotoshoot with Arty-Farty.fun was the shortest ever: 1 shot and bang.
TEFAF will be our last "tripping on art" travelogue
for an unforseeable time.stay home, stay healthy, stay arty-fartyish.
arty-farty.fun's opinion: ***** (the right descision!)
the big bummer, TEFAF Maastricht art fair closed early , after it was revealed that an exhibitor who’d attended the fair’s first three days had subsequently tested positive for coronavirus.
debriefing dinner @ our fav hometown diner ~ Aux Portes du Temps @Jodoigne
this place is cullinary heaven on earth for connaisseurs who favour honest simple good food, served with lots of love and skills. The ideal place to digest art impressions and leave our arty-farty attitude on the parking lot.
the proof: we drove a full hour with empty stomachs (we lived on 6 oysters during a full day)
arty-farty.fun's opinion: ****
Etienne's quote