[ Namur City ]
16 january 2020
arty-farty's trip info & album
Reliquaire du lait de la vierge ~ atelier d'Oignies 1250 ~ Musée des Arts Anciens
The TreM.a – Museum of Ancient Arts of Namur was founded in 1964 in partnership with the Archaeological Society of Namur. The museum is housed in the Hôtel de Gaiffier d’Hestroy.
The Treasure of Oignies is one of the seven wonders of Belgium and the only tourist attraction of Namur with two stars in the Michelin Green Guide.
Located in the heart of old Namur, the Brasserie François welcomes you seven days a week in a building of character built in the 19th century.
located in a former mansion house in old Namur, the Félicien Rops museum presents the life and work of FÉLICIEN ROPS, from hus beginnings as a caricaturist to his satanic and demonic creations.
Henri De Braekeleer (1840-1888). exhibition in the Rops museum, from october 12, 2019 to february 2, 2020.