[ Danser Brut ]
BOZAR Brussels

30 september 2020

Rebecca Horn
Pencil Mask
(From Performances lI)
Film, 35 min 41 s

Rebecca Horn Pencil Mask
pencils and metal

Tate: purchased with assistance from Tate Members 2002

trippin' on art ~ danser brut @ BOZAR

Mr. Dirk Myny, maître cuisinier Les Brigittines & Etienne Verbist Arty-Farty.fun

Restaurant Les Brigittines 
Aux Marches de la Chapelle
Place de la Chapelle 5 (Sablon) Kapellemarkt 5 (Zavel) Bruxelles 1000 Brussel T 02/512.68.91
info@lesbrigittines.com www.lesbrigittines.com

trippin' on art  ~ meet 'n greet ~ Mr. Dirk Myny, maître cuisinier Les Brigittines

Mme Valérie Lepla ~ auteur du livre "Pistolet" ~ www.pistolet-original.be & Etienne Arty-Farty.fun

Valerie Lepla has a passion for gastronomy, cooking and good things that have been rooted in the taste buds since childhood. Passionate about cooking, when not in the kitchen, she travels across Belgium and Europe to discover good restaurants and gourmet places.
Press attaché and consultant in the field of culture and gastronomy for many years, Valérie imagined, wanted, designed and developed the Original "Pistolet Original" concept.

trippin' on art  ~ meet 'n greet ~ Mme Valérie Lepla ~ author of "Pistolet"